Month: October 2017

God Provides

One snap of the shutter, and there it was . . . one beautiful moment captured in time for eternity. The late summer sun reflected in the breaking wave made the water look like liquid gold splashing onto the shore. If my friend had not been there with his camera, the wave would have gone unnoticed, like so many others that have come and gone, seen only by God.

Who can imagine how many waves Lake Michigan has sent rolling onto the shoreline? Yet each one is unique. As seen in every wave, God makes extravagant beauty out of seemingly mundane…

Our “Engagement” of others stems from God’s “Engagement” with us

Today on Discover the Word, we welcome Darrell Bock back to the table to discuss how as Christians we’re called to engage the world around us. And as we near the end of this two-week conversation, Darrell will bring us back to the basics. Explore the basic message of the gospel, and how our “Engagement” […]

Life of Christ

Jesus lived the most impactful life in all of history. This course takes students through the key events in Jesus’s life.

Exceedingly Better

My birthday is the day after my mother’s. As an adolescent, I would scramble to think of a gift that delighted my mom yet fit in my budget. She always received my purchases with appreciation, and on the following day, my birthday, she would present her gift to me. Without fail, her gift vastly outshone mine. Her intention wasn’t to diminish what I’d given her; she simply gave generously from her resources, which far exceeded my own.

My desire to give to my mother reminds me of David’s wish to build a home for God. Struck by the contrast between his…

The Insanity of Faith

Written By Adelena Oh, Singapore Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1) It seems crazy to believe in something that’s not there yet, to have complete certainty that something’s going to happen even though there is no physical evidence. Yet Hebrews 11:1 describes […]

Our tone is a key part to effectively engaging others

Have you ever put your foot in your mouth? Of course, you have. We’ve all felt the pain of speaking with the wrong tone or motive. And today on Discover the Word, Darrell Bock warns us that when we trip over our reckless words, we’re actually falling into the trap of the devil. Discover how […]

What To Do If You’ve Misplaced Your Identity

One of the latest buzzwords in today’s culture is “identity”. Whether it’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, or relationship status, there are so many ways we can identify ourselves.

Surviving the Wilderness

In the 1960s, the Kingston Trio released a song called “Desert Pete.” The ballad tells of a thirsty cowboy who is crossing the desert and finds a hand pump. Next to it, Desert Pete has left a note urging the reader not to drink from the jar hidden there but to use its contents to prime the pump.

The cowboy resists the temptation to drink and uses the water as the note instructs. In reward for his obedience, he receives an abundance of cold, satisfying water. Had he not acted in faith, he would have had only a jar of unsatisfying,…

How we say things matters!

In today’s conversation on Discover the Word, they’re not trying to raise your sodium levels, but they will call believers to “season their words with salt.” Because how we say things matters! Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series with Darrell Bock titled, “Engagement.” Explore the surprising emphasis of the New Testament on “tone-ology” […]

Jesus in Disguise

When a friend cared for her housebound mother-in-law, she asked her what she longed for the most. Her mother-in-law said, “For my feet to be washed.” My friend admitted, “How I hated that job! Each time she asked me to do it I was resentful, and would ask God to hide my feelings from her.”

But one day her grumbling attitude changed in a flash. As she got out the bowl and towel and knelt at her mother-in-law’s feet, she said, “I looked up, and for a moment I felt like I was washing the feet of Jesus Himself. She was…

When God Chose to Disrupt My Plans

The last thing anyone would want when travelling overseas would be unexpected changes to the itinerary. I guess God didn’t get the memo when I embarked on my very first mission trip a few months ago to Tokyo, Japan, as part of a Bible school programme I was attending at my church.

Matching your tone with your message

Would you agree that how you say something is as important as what you say? Well, today on Discover the Word, Dr. Darrell Bock joins us at the table to talk about how we can match our tone to our message. We’re learning to share God’s truth with God’s heart. And tone matters—a lot! Another […]

I Can’t Stand Judgmental Christians

I used to think like this: Judgmental? Not me! I can’t stand people who judge others. The contradiction was right there in the statement, and somehow I was oblivious to it.

Brother to Brother

My brother and I, less than a year apart in age, were quite “competitive” growing up (translation: we fought!). Dad understood. He had brothers. Mom? Not so much. 

We could have fit in the book of Genesis, which might well be subtitled A Brief History of Sibling Rivalry. Cain and Abel (Gen. 4); Isaac and Ishmael (21:8–10); Joseph and everyone not named Benjamin (ch. 37). But for brother-to-brother animosity, it’s hard to beat Jacob and Esau.

Esau’s twin brother had cheated him twice, so he wanted to kill Jacob (27:41). Decades later Jacob and Esau would reconcile (ch. 33). But the rivalry continued…

Love of Another Kind

One of my favorite churches started several years ago as a ministry to ex-prisoners who were transitioning back into society. Now the church flourishes with people from all walks of life. I love that church because it reminds me of what I picture heaven will be like—filled with different kinds of people, all redeemed sinners, all bound together by the love of Jesus.

Sometimes, though, I wonder if church seems more like an exclusive club than a safe-haven for forgiven sinners. As people naturally gravitate into groups of “a certain kind” and cluster around those they feel comfortable with, it leaves…